Welcome to Stunt University.
We are - The only one in the World!
You have the desire - and you're ready to take Hollywood by storm, unfortunately what good is it if...
What you need - is the proper Training - And the inside Secrets -
We offer five options to get on the fast track to your stunt or action actor success:
1.) Enroll in the STUNT UNIVERSITY yearly Mentorship Program and learn the business of Stunts from Hollywood's best. This a 1 year program, which includes monthly video conferencing with a Hollywood Stunt Professional who will monitor your progress and give you advice and guidance as you pursue your stunt career.
2.) Sign up for "Stunt Coach" for One on One live Video Coaching from a professional Hollywood Stunt trainer. Stunt Coach is a per session coaching service. You can buy single or multiple online video coaching sessions - LIVE - with a Hollywodd stunt professional. Ask your questions - get the best answers from a working Stunt professional. (Doesn't include online course - single sessions only.)
3.) Host a group Live or Video Seminar Event of your own! Get a group of your friends together and host a live video seminar about getting started in the Movie and TV Stunt business. This is often popular with martial arts clubs and gymnastics clubs. Video Seminar or come to our facility in California.
The online course is for informational purposes only. It is very helpful in getting beginners versed in the terminology and tecniques and approaches necessary to pursue a stunt career and get you thinking like a stunt performer. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY PHYSICAL TRAINING. Most people who take the online course - end up enrolling in our live course - #5. If you take the online course and decide to take the live training - we will apply your online course fee as a discount to the live course tuition.
5.) This is our most popular course:
Enroll in "ActionStar Academy" and take the course in California. Come to where the biggest Movies in the world are made - Hollywood.
This is a one week non stop action packed course that is great for beginners. Learn from working Hollywood professionals who will work with you step by step to teach you the professional techniques necessary to pursue either an Action Actor, Stuntman or Stuntwoman career. Train in fights, falls, fire and other stunt techniques, to kick start your stunt career fast and get you started. The training and knowledge gained in this one week alone would take novices years to learn.
If you are interested in booking a space in the next course. Please email us and we will send you the next course - Dates - Cost - 6 Day Training Schedule and all necessary information. A deposit will be required to hold your space in the course.
Thank you!
Most that try to enter the Stunt Action field arrive at frustration and confusion and end up quitting on their dream. DON'T QUIT ON YOURS.
Learn the Real Secrets:
This is the real stuff - no gimmicks.
This is the information you need to get out there and effectively Start Your Stunt Career - Today!
Some of the things you will learn right here at Stunt University:
1. Where to go *
2. What to do *
3. How to do it *
5. Where the jobs are *
6. The Best Training * 7. Train with Hollywood professionals 8. All professional equipment - Air Bags for falls - Wire work - Decelerators - Air Rams - Fights - Fire - etc.
9. How to effectively market yourself *
and much much more...
Don't waste years of your time on trial and error. You can get it right the first time... and put your Action career on the fast track - NOW!